The Prayer of the Weak and its Connection with Aid and Victory of the Ummah
From Sa`d, radiyallaahu `anhu, who said that Allaah's Messenger, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam said: Indeed Allaah aids this Ummah due to its weak ones, through their supplication, their Prayer and their purity of intention. [Reported by an-Nasaa`ee and others, and it is found in al-Bukhaaree and other places without mention of purity of intention. It is found in Saheeh ut-Targheeb (5)]
So with this the inferiority of the people's thinking is clear, those who say: Give your attention to the rich, the powerful and the people of standing and leave the poor. We have indeed abandoned the weak, the poor, those in poverty, and the pious, and we have tasted the bitterness of defeat, of humiliation and of ruin. Why shouldn't this be our predicament when victory of this Ummah was tied to their supplication, their Prayer and their purity of intention? So let us take care to keep the company of the weak and the pious, and seek victory from Allaah, the One free and removed from all imperfections and the Most High, asking them to supplicate for the removal of our suffering and the suffering of the Ummah of Muhammad, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam.
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